

USAID ERAT (Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Efektif, Efisien, dan Kuat), or Efficient, Effective, and Strong Governance, is a 5-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal of ERAT is for the citizens of Indonesia to benefit from effective local government by increasing the quality of policy implementation and service delivery at the subnational level. In collaboration with the Government of Indonesia, ERAT strengthens the coherence of national and subnational policies, enhances local service delivery, and improves planning and budget execution.

ERAT’s strategy to achieve its goal is to improve subnational government performance in four ways:

  1. Strengthening upward accountability to the provincial and central governments
  2. Creating downward accountability to the citizens
  3. Enhancing horizontal incentives through inter-district competition and peer learning
  4. Developing the capacity of state and non-state actors

These four strategies are based on intensive assessments and were designed with the government, civil society, academics, and the private sector through co-design workshops at the central and provincial levels. Furthermore, these strategies are translated into specific activities that are tailored according to the local context and expressed needs and commitment of the government. This also cultivates local ownership and ensures sustainability beyond the activity’s life.

ERAT focuses on strengthening communication, coordination, and collaboration among levels of government and promotes reliable and effective use of government data to plan, budget, and evaluate performance. It encourages meaningful use of citizens’ voices and needs during resource planning, provision, and evaluation of the government. The activity also promotes mainstreaming of gender equality, social inclusion, and public-private partnership in all aspects of the program implementation.

By the end of the program in January 2026, it is expected that:

  • Mechanisms for policy communication and coordination among various levels of government are institutionalized
  • Government data are reliable and effectively used for planning, budgeting, and evaluating public services and government performance
  • Greater quality and transparency of spending at the subnational level. 
  • Gender equality and social inclusion in policy-making, service provision, and resource decisions is deepened
  • The private sector is effectively engaged in improving the quality of public service delivery
  • Innovations, best practices, and replicable models for strengthening local governance and improving service delivery are effectively disseminated
  • The use of citizen input in planning, providing, and evaluating service delivery is improved

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