Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is USAID ERAT?

USAID ERAT (Effective, Efficient, and Strong Governance) is a five-year activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with Indonesia’s Ministry of Home Affairs as its Executing Agency.

2. Where does USAID ERAT work?

USAID ERAT is works in six provinces and in 30 districts across North Sumatra (Kota Medan, Karo, Samosir, Nias, Mandailing Natal), Banten (Kota Cilegon, Kota Serang, Kota Tangerang, Pandeglang, Lebak), East Java (Lamongan, Sumenep, Sidoarjo, Blitar, Banyuwangi), West Kalimantan (Sambas, Sintang, Kubu Raya, Melawi, Ketapang), South Sulawesi (Luwu Utara, Barru, Kota Makassar, Gowa, Kepulauan Selayar), and East Nusa Tenggara (Manggarai Barat, Sumba Timur, Sabu Raijua, Timur Tengah Utara, Belu).

3. Who is involved with USAID ERAT?

USAID ERAT works together with the central government partners, namely Cooperation Facilitation of the Ministry of Home Affairs, as the Executing Agency (EA). Moreover, USAID ERAT also supports various ministries as the Implementing Agencies (IA) namely: the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), and Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KEMENPAN-RB).

4. How is USAID ERAT different/unique from other programs?

Collaborative governance and evidence-based planning and implementation underpin USAID ERAT’s approach. In the first year, a thorough assessment of local governance and public services was conducted to comprehensively understand the local situation based on updated data and information. Following the assessments,  USAID ERAT adopted a unique co-design process involving the central and subnational governments to identify local development priorities and develop action plans. This process developed the trust and enduring partnership between USAID ERAT and its government stakeholders.

Throughout the implementation process, USAID ERAT refrained from pre-determining the initiatives, opting instead to develop them in direct response to the government’s specific needs and priorities. This flexible approach ensured that the initiatives were tailored to the government’s requirements. In addition, USAID ERAT seeks the best technical solutions that are acceptable and can be implemented by the government, not merely based on technical analysis. 

5. What milestones have been achieved so far?

Up to March 2024, USAID ERAT has: 

  • increasing  budget allocation for public services in 12 districts
  • supported 92 policies to be published
  • helped the implementation of 50 mechanisms for coordinating regional policies
  • facilitated 35 collaborations with the private sector
  • supported the development and replication of 46 public service innovation
  • enhanced 3,426 people’s capacity in governance, and 
  • enhanced 1,038 people’s capacity in GESI

Please refer to the respective provincial information sheets for more detailed information on specific achievements in each province.

6. What are the main issues being addressed by the USAID ERAT?

USAID ERAT is dedicated to improving governance by supporting various initiatives, including public service innovation, developing e-governance systems, and enhancing the quality of local government spending, among others. The program also addresses multi-sectoral challenges in line with local government priorities, such as child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM), extreme poverty, stunting, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), healthcare, and school participation rates. Furthermore, USAID ERAT actively promotes collaboration with the private sector and endeavors to engage youth meaningfully. Please refer to the respective provincial information sheets for more detailed information on specific issues in each province.

7. What is our theory of change?

USAID ERAT is firmly committed to the belief that effective public service delivery results from good governance. Guided by the USAID ERAT’s Theory of Change (ToC), a connection emerges where policy, planning, performance, and budgeting intertwine, fortifying the alignment of national and sub-national policies, planning, and budgeting which are grounded in accurate performance data, which leads sub-national governments serving their citizens effectively with accountability. The ToC is based on the assumptions that the Government of Indonesia (GoI) continues to support decentralization as a key principle of democratic governance, that stakeholders at all levels engage in ongoing reform efforts, and that citizens increasingly exercise their rights to demand responsive government and receive quality public services.

8. When will the project end?

USAID ERAT will support the Government of Indonesia until January 2026.

9. How to collaborate with USAID ERAT?

Kindly check our career and tender page to see if there are any opportunities to collaborate with USAID ERAT.

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