Public Private Partnerships

USAID ERAT recognizes the pivotal role of private sector engagement in improving of public service delivery. Private companies possess the capacity to infuse innovation, provide essential resources, enforce accountability, and stimulate healthy competition. Consequently, USAID ERAT acts as the intermediary in facilitating collaboration between government entities and the private sector. Here are several examples of successful partnerships we facilitated: 


Sumenep, East Java

Promoting the utilization of “Siap Lahir”, an application made by the Sumenep District Health Office in collaboration with the Population and Civil Registration Office and the Communication and Information Office to to facilitate legal identity registration for newborns, by private maternity clinics and independent midwives to expand legal identity service coverage for newborn.  

Cooperation between BUMDes Lenteng Timur, Sumenep, to organize banking services, such as Social Security Agency on Health (BPJS Kesehatan) contribution payment services for independent participants and provincial tax payments, with Bank Jatim.


Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan

Cooperation between Indonesian Midwives Association Kubu Raya Branch, West Kalimantan, with, a one-stop solution parenting platform for Indonesian parents, that has an early detection feature on growth, development, and diseases that children can potentially suffer from.


Barru, South Sulawesi

Gaining support from the private sectors to eradicate extreme poverty in Barru, South Sulawesi. USAID ERAT organized a meeting between Barru’s Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Daerah, Bappelitbangda) and National Zakat Collection Agency (Badan Amil Zakat Nasional, BAZNAS) to discuss the number of poor families they can assist until December 2024. State Electricity Company (Perusahaan Listrik Negara, PLN) also expressed their willingness to provide free electricity connections for low-income households based on the target data that the government has.

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